“Dear Mikal
I just wanted to let you know how amazingly useful I have found the time that we have spent working together both personally and in my business. Working with you is an absolute pleasure and you have made a tremendous difference to my well being and to my performance at work. This has been the most impactful and successful coaching experience that I have had. You have been incredibly insightful and shed clarity on many of the challenges that face us as everyday members of society as well as in the working environment.”
Business Coaching
If you want standard business coaching to improve your bottom line, please leave this website.
On the other hand, if you want support with running a business that is profoundly fulfilling for you and the staff, I know how to create and maintain that. It's a workplace that people want to be at, a work place that is admired by the community, a work place that is bringing the best out of people, whether staff, mangers or owners.
I offer business coaching at 3 core levels, and in general in this order (but there is no requirement to do all three):
One-on-one with the owner/CEO/manager
Team sessions with the management/leadership team(s)
Team sessions with the staff
It is an organic process that evolves over time and is entirely tailored to your business and situation.
It makes no difference what you business is doing, nor how small or big, as my coaching is about the people.
“I have been to countless seminars in the last 30 years of selling realestate but yours was by far the best, the most useful.”
I have coached businesses in all the three key fields of Services (accountants, IT, education, sales, etc.) Production & Trades (saw milling, building, electricians, etc.).
On my Testimonials page you can find video and written feedback from current and past clients.
However, the best way to establish if we can work together, is to meet. This can be done initially on Skype or face-to-face if you are in Auckland or Northland, New Zealand. Simply fill in the form below and I will be in touch.
Team Culture Development
Who benefits from a great business team culture?
Everyone! You, your colleagues, the customers, the bottom line and your family.
In our adult working life, there is nothing else that we spend more time doing in our awake hours than work.
Therefore, being unhappy at work is a significant waste of life.
Focusing on and having a great work culture is one of the best investments a business can make as happy people are:
More productive
Better problem solvers
More creative
Work better with others
Handles pressure/challenges/stress better
Is less sick and less likely to quit
A Team Culture Development Program runs for an initial period of 3-12 months depending on circumstances.
The key elements covered are:
Creating a unique team language that is simple and encouraging
Creating staff engagement and alignment
Significantly increase awareness of self and others
Understanding each team member's natural strength and weaknesses and how to consciously make the most of it
Understanding conflict. Choosing worth-having conflict. Learning how to handle conflict effectively
Understanding and managing stress
Learning down to earth tools to create the best possible team culture
Learning tools that will benefit team members personally, both at work and at home
To learn more about this program and how it can be implemented in your business, please fill in the form below and I will be in touch.
Click here to download the above flyer or here for a flyer for an introductory team session: Managing The Pressure Cooker of Business (and Life). For more information or to book an introductory team session, please fill in the form below.